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Kamal Heidar Tamini (马越) 故事


我记得 1998 年,因为父亲工作变动,我和父母来到了中国。这次经历改变了我的人生,它将我带入了一个全新的世界,有着独特的文化和语言。虽然一开始我很害怕,但很快我就克服了这种恐惧,选择相信自己,并将这种情况转化为一个学习的机会,在我所处的新环境中发光发热。



Kamal H Tamini




马越建立了一个跨越文化和商业鸿沟的多元化职业生涯,专注于开创国际在线贸易策略和可持续投资。他的企业,包括龙跃、INSIDER 和魅力波斯,反映了他在商业世界中对创新和卓越的承诺。

马越的学术成就,比如在互联网营销、销售和会计的高级课程中取得了出色的 96 分(满分 100 分),与他丰富的实践经验相辅相成。他在电子贸易、编程和技术开发方面的技能在推动他的各种商业努力取得成功方面发挥了重要作用。


— this is Kamal H. Tamini (马越)

我是卡码乐·海达尔·塔米尼,中文名字是马越。我是一位在中国的创新企业家。作为龙跃公司的首席执行官以及 INSIDER 和魅力波斯(去伊朗)的创始人,我专注于开发国际在线贸易策略和推出开创性的创业项目。我的专长在于技术开发和可持续投资,并且我对文化沉浸有着深厚的热情。通过我的工作,我旨在超越国界,重新定义商业和创新中的成功意味着什么。


Kamal Heidar Tamini

Kamal Heidar Tamini

2024— 联合创始人 NexGen Innovations LLC


2024— 国际协调员 RawMatCo Trading

2024— 董事会成员 伊朗中国商会

2023— 创始人 — Insider (Online Learning App)

2021 — 创始人兼首席产品官 — E-Long (Online Trading)

2020 — 产品经理 — WorkingInChina Platform

2020 — 联合创始人 — International Farhor Farto Sama Co.,Ltd

2018 — 联合创始人 — Charming Persian (QuYiLang)

2018 — 联合创始人兼总经理 — Invest Group By MaQin

2015 — 创始人兼首席执行官 — Hong Kong LongYue Limited

2013 — 法人代表 — 北京龙跃科技发展有限公司

2013 — 注册代表 - Beijing PICIKE Limited Company

2012 — 国际营销经理 - Tianjin Electronic Co., Ltd

— 技巧

- 创业;企业家精神

- 贸易策略;交易策略

- 投资策略

- 项目管理

- 品牌战略

- 信息技术开发

- 销售

- 流程改进;过程改善

- 互联网营销

- 程序设计

- 中文能力

- 咨询与顾问服务

- 项目领导力

- 国际物流

- 财务敏锐度

- 跨文化专长

MaQin Investment Group
Charming Persian



- 即将推出


马越即将推出的著作《越过长城:揭开中国的文化织锦》。这本书定于 2024 年底发行,这次富有洞察力的探索深入研究了中国丰富多样的文化遗产,将哲学、艺术、传统与现代性交织在一起。通过引人入胜的叙述和个人轶事,塔米尼阐明了定义中国人身份的复杂联系,鼓励读者欣赏文化交流之美以及多样性中统一的重要性。请持续关注这本重要读物的最新消息!



20% Off

Consultation Appointments

$366.00 / 60 minutes

This appointment is perfect for clients looking to discuss specific needs, get expert advice, or seek guidance on a particular topic. Whether it's a one-time session or part of an ongoing series, the consultation will be tailored to your individual requirements.

  • - Pre-session questionnaire to tailor the consultation

  • - Customized advice and actionable insights

  • - Follow-up email with a summary of the session and recommended next steps

  • - Opportunity to book additional sessions at a discounted rate
10% Off


$25.00 / Per Product

This appointment is ideal for clients seeking to navigate the complexities of sourcing products in China, whether you're a new buyer or an experienced seller. The consultation will provide tailored insights and strategies to help you secure the best prices and reliable suppliers.

  • - Pre-session Questionnaire: To understand your specific needs, including product type, target market, and budget

  • - In-depth Market Analysis: Customized advice on current market trends, supplier reliability, and pricing strategies in China

  • - Actionable Sourcing Plan: Step-by-step guidance on how to approach suppliers, negotiate prices, and manage logistics

  • - Assistance in obtaining product samples from suppliers and conducting a thorough inspection to ensure quality before committing to a large order

  • - Follow-up Email: A detailed summary of the session, including supplier recommendations, pricing strategies, sample evaluations, and next steps

  • - Book additional sessions at a reduced rate to continue optimizing your sourcing strategy and address any challenges
30% Off

Premium Coaching Sessions

$66.90 / 60 minutes

This is an in-depth coaching experience designed for clients committed to achieving long-term goals. It’s ideal for those seeking to make significant changes, develop new skills, or need ongoing support and accountability. Each session is personalized to align with your specific objectives.

  • - Comprehensive intake assessment to identify goals & challenges

  • - Customized coaching plan

  • - Unlimited email support between sessions

  • - Access to exclusive resources, worksheets, and tools

  • - Quarterly progress reviews to adjust the plan as needed
10% Off


$300.00 / Per Day + Costs

This consultation is designed for clients who need assurance on the quality and compliance of their products before shipment or during the manufacturing process. It’s ideal for businesses that prioritize quality control and want to avoid costly mistakes.

  • - Pre-session Questionnaire: To understand your specific requirements, including product type, inspection standards, and shipment timelines

  • - Expert guidance on how to perform a pre-order inspection at the manufacturing stage to ensure meet your specifications before production begins

  • - Detailed advice on how to conduct a thorough visual inspection of products, either at the factory or warehouse, to confirm quality

  • - Strategies for conducting a final inspection before shipment, including checking packaging integrity, labeling, ensuring goods meet your requirements

  • - A comprehensive summary of the session, including inspection checklists, recommended steps for quality control

  • - Book additional sessions at a reduced rate to continue refining your inspection processes and address any ongoing quality control concerns.
30% Off

Startup Consulting

$180.00 / 60 minutes

This appointment type is specifically designed for entrepreneurs, startups, or small business owners seeking expert advice on launching, scaling, or optimizing their business. Whether you're in the ideation phase or looking to grow your existing business, this consulting session provides actionable strategies and insights to help you succeed.

  • - Initial business assessment and review of your business plan or pitch deck

  • - Tailored advice on business strategy, market analysis, funding, and growth

  • - Access to startup resources, templates, and tools

  • - Post-session follow-up with a strategic action plan

  • - Opportunity to book follow-up sessions for ongoing support

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